Currently Reading

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

So I typically do an introduction post when I start a new blog, but I thought, "HEY! Why don't I do something a bit different this time?" So if you've found this blog then you can tell this is going to be yet another book revew blog. I'll have the standard posts -- reviews, hauls, memes, etc. (Maybe even a personal post here and there?)  However this time around I'm going to start incorporating my own photography! If you recognize my name and my social media (and so I'm not so presumptious, Hi! Hello, I'm Jillian. I like books. I have a booktube channel that I'm currently on hiatus from but still have lots of videos there if you're interested.) I was saying..what was I saying? Oh yes, if you recognize my social media then you will see that I mostly post booktube videos and I do have a fancy schmancy camera that I bought to film, but I would really like to use it for photos now as well! I'm still learning and I'm no expert, but I hope to post pretty book photos here a la my DSLR or my bookstagram account. My aesthetic is pretty cliche and girly. 

Anyways the whole point of this post was tell you guys what I am currently reading! I am currently reading Six of Crow by Leigh Bardugo. As you can see from my photo it's an ARC*. I requested a review copy from Henry Holt aka Macmillan and they were kind of enough to send me copy. I will just say I am ABSOLUTELY loving this book so far. I'm taking my time and savoring the words and the world. Leigh Bardugo is an amazing author when it comes to world building and creating memorable characters. The book doesn't come out until September 29, 2015. My review will be posted here, on goodreads, and on my booktube channel**.  So basically, I'm really loving what I'm currently reading. I'm hoping this weird mood/slump is over and done with and I can get back to my love, the books aka my mountain of a TBR. 

What are you guys currently reading? 

Happy Reading!

*ARC stands for Advance Reader's Copy
**Review on my booktube channel will depend on how I'm feeling by the time the book releases as I'm on hiatus, but I'm hoping by then I'll be back in the booktube game.

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